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Shoes for Foot Problems: What to Look for In the Perfect Pair

Posted on June 16 2020

Shoes for Foot Problems: What to Look for In the Perfect Pair

Your feet are more important than you may think, and most people tend to take them for granted until something goes wrong. Containing 1/4 of all the bones in your body, it’s imperative that you have the proper shoes for your feet so that you can help stave off potentially painful problems.

However, if you’re already struggling with foot issues, finding shoes for foot problems can be confusing if you don’t know what to look for. To help make selected the right pair easier, here is what you need to know.

Finding the best Shoes for Foot Problems

Whether you’re shopping for running shoes or leisure shoes, before heading to any local shoe stores it’s important to know what to look for. If you are struggling with specific foot issues such as plantar fasciitis, you can ask your foot doctor for specific recommendations; however, for most general problems, this is what to keep in mind.

When shopping for shoes, try to go at the end of your day. This is because most swelling will peak around this time, ensuring that your feet are at their largest. Trying on shoes at this point will help prevent you from buying a pair that are too narrow or small.

If you are currently wearing any inserts and need to continue wearing them, bring them along and put them into the shoes you are trying out. Some inserts can make shoes feel too tight if there isn’t enough space to allow for them. If you try and wear a pair that is too tight, you could end up exacerbating current problems or even developing new ones.

Don’t pay attention so much to shoe sizes, but rather how a shoe feels to you. Shoe sizes can vary and comfort should be considered over numbers. Walk around in a couple of different sizes to see how each feels. Additionally, you may need extra wide shoes, if the sizes you’re trying on are too tight. Check how the front, back, and sides feel to get the best idea of which shoes would be best for you.

Furthermore, if you need specific support or cushioning, try out multiple pairs to see which offers the most protection from impact. The right shoe should relieve pain, rather than cause it. If the pair you have on causes aching when standing, or pain while walking, look for a different type of support.

What You Should Avoid

  • Shoes that are overly narrow and compress your toes should be avoided, as should
  • any shoes with high heels. Opting for low heels helps relieve pressure on the toe joints, while wider shoes help prevent blistering, discomfort, and potential deformation.
  • Shoes that aren’t breathable should also be avoided to help prevent both discomfort and bacterial growth. If you’re struggling with foot fungal problems, this is a must.
  • Additionally, avoid shoes that don’t offer adequate support and cushioning, as these can further increase pain or problems, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet.

Your feet are more important than you might think, and if you’re struggling with pain and discomfort, finding shoes for foot problems can help improve your condition. Don’t wait until too much damage is done. Upgrade your old shoes to the pair from that works best for you.


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